Sunday, 6 March 2016

Task 1 Level Idea

I have made a mood board on that you can check that out here based on my level idea for the next unit, its inspired by alien invasions, or scifi wars like war of the worlds. it will be set on earth but with alien tech around from the hostile invading forces which gives reason for the weapons and jumpads etc. it will be based in central park at the site of a crash of a huge alien ship that the death match will be based around. Around the outside of said ship will be scattered weapons and creates and over things to be used as cover which will have fallen and scatter when the ship crashed. one of the biggest issues with this idea is making sure that the openness of central park doesn't make for boring gameplay so i must use cover and weapons placements/breadcrumbs very effectively.

The reason i went for this map is that it made sense thematically with the assets provided in unreal, and as well as this Scifi seems to work well but iv found a gap because all the Scifi maps on unreal at the minute are all based on different planets and such whereas mine will be on earth which should give it distinct difference of theme.

I have now created a map design layout to go along with my mood board it shows a top down view of my crater idea and shows some basic rock formations just for an idea and the ship crashed aswell as a few of the pick ups although all these will be changed and are just to show the idea and not the definitive gameplay options that will be finalized in the final map creation.

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